Fundamental Courses

The five fundamental courses of the master program are compulsory and are always offered in the winter term. The topics are as follows.

(3h per week, 6 CP)

Based on a sound understanding of the theory of the firm and the household, this course covers issues such as regulation, welfare effects of government-induced price distortions, and the theory of market failures. Furthermore, this course provides students with modern tools while enabling them to understand and work with scholarly articles in areas such as public finance and industrial organization.

(3h per week, 6 CP)

This course introduces basic concepts and key tools that are central to the understanding of macroeconomic issues, ranging from short-term economic fluctuations to long-term growth. Students will learn how models are used to interpret key empirical facts in macroeconomic data; how to use mathematical tools for the analysis of model economies; how to develop and use the most common models for understanding the relationship between aggregate output, inflation and interest rates, and the key drivers of macroeconomic growth and cycles; and how to develop policy recommendations and conduct practical policy analysis.

(3h per week, 6 CP)

This core course in econometrics introduces the methods behind the empirical analysis of micro and macro data as they are encountered in cross-sectional and time series studies, respectively. The application of these methods will be demonstrated with real data examples, and solved with standard computer software. Students learn how to carry out empirical studies of the nature of economic relationships. The course presumes that students are already familiar with linear regression models and material from elementary econometrics or empirical economics.
