Studying Abroad

This website contains some useful information for those students who would like to study a semester abroad.
If you are planning to spend a semester abroad, it is highly recommended to be your 3rd semester, in which case there are three options available:
1. You can study a semester at one of the MIEEP partner universities. Please check the Website of the International Office (Auslandsbüro) at the Faculty of Economics and Business for updated Information on our partner universities. The current call for applications can be found here. Please be aware that you can only apply for programs explictly labelled for MIEEP. Besides some partner universities of the faculty, this applies also for the QTEM program.
If you are interested in studying at one of these universities, please contact the Faculty's International Office. The deadline for applications is typically each February.
2. Besides the International Office of the faculty, there is also an university-wide International Office. It offers supra-departmental exchange programs. The deadline for some of these programs is in November, for the rest it is in February.
3. You are allowed to spend the winter term of your second year of study at a university of your own choice (free mover). In this case, you are responsible for organizing the whole process, while the Faculty´s International Office might be able to assist you with respect to administrative details, etc. In order to manage the recognition of courses, you will have to fill out the "Learning Agreement", which is a simple form that you can find here. Please follow the instructions in the document very carefully!