

Jahr Titel der Dissertation

Dr. Sasan Mansouri

2022 Essays on Information Transmission & Machine Learning in Finance
Dr. Janika Bockmeyer 2022 Essays in Banking and Financial Regulation
Dr. Florian Balke 2020 Essays in Banking and Finance
Dr. Carl Fabian Wöbbeking 2019 Essays on Risk and Finance
Dr. Daniel Friedmann 2017 Essays in Corporate Finance - Analysis of Firm and Bank Behavior in the Unsecured Firm Deposit Market
Dr. Daniel Teichmann 2017 Essays in Empirical Finance
Dr. Sverin Zörgiebel 2017 Essays in Corporate Finance - The Influence of Media on Company Valuations under Uncertainty
Dr. Magdalena Ignatowski 2016 Achieving Financial Stability amid Incentive Distortions and Political Influence Exertion - Essays on Regulatory Treatment of Distressed Banks
Dr. Josef Korte 2014 Restoring Incentives and Liability - Bank Regulation and Bank Risk in the Post-Crisis Era
Dr. Felix Freudenberg 2014 The Role of Covenants in Financial Intermediation - Evidence from Loan Agreements
Dr. Sven Fürth 2014 Essays in Empirical Finance
Dr. Glebs Ivanovs 2013 Essays on Reputation of Private Equity Groups in Sponsored Leverage Buyouts
Dr. Julian Aaron Mattes 2013 Asymmetric Information in Financial Intermediation - Evidence from Syndicated Loans
Dr. Frederik Schweikhard 2013 Essays on Asset Pricing in Credit Markets
Dr. Markus Jens Fischer 2012 Four Essays in Empirical Banking and Finance
Dr. Ahmed Farouk Mohamed Barakat  2012 Investigating the Financial and Accounting Interrelationship of Corporate Governance and Operational Risk in the Financial Industry
Dr. Christian Rauch 2011 Bank Liquidity Creation - Determinants and Implications
Dr. Taro Niggemann 2010 Essays in Empirical Capital Market Research

Dr. Fabian Gleisner

2009 Essays on Retail Financial Services
Dr. Björn Imbierowicz 2009 The Interrelation of Prices, Ratings and Models in Credit Default Swap and Equity Markets
Dr. Philipp Krohmer 2008 Essays in Financial Economics: Risk and Return of Private Equity
Dr. Markus Oliver Fritsch 2008 Restructuring the Banking Value Chain Effects of Regional Diversification and Sourcing on Bank
Dr. Michael Bierbrauer 2008 Essays on Commodity Price
Dr. Thomas Bloch 2008 Essays on Banking: Consequences of Mergers among Local Banks in Germany
Dr. Oliver Vins 2008 Mergers, Efficiency and Politics - Essays on Current Issues of Local Savings and Cooperative Banks in Germany
Dr. Martin Weldi 2008 An Investment perspective to Higher Education and its Income-linked Financing - Empirical Analyses for Germany
Dr. Oliver Bosch 2007 Essays on financial Economics: The Role of Information Asymmetry in Debt Contracting – Evidence from Sydicated Loans
Dr. Lars Friedrich 2007 Strategic Decision Regarding the Vertical Integration of Financial Service Providers
Dr. Rainer Lauterbach     2007 Essays in Financial Economics: Private Equity and Venture Capital
Dr. Sascha Steffen 2007 The Role of Private Information in Financial Contracting - Evidence from Syndicated Loan Market
Dr. Andreas Kemmerer 2006 On the Risk and Valuation Dimensions of Private Equity Fund Investments
Dr. Thomas Gellrich 2006 Reshaping Value Chains in Financial Services
Dr. Hergen Frerichs 2004 Evaluating Credit Risk Models
Dr. Daniel Schmidt 2004 Essays on Pricing Equity: Contracting Pattern, Risk, Return and Portfolio Management
Dr. Jutta Dönges     2001 Competition For Order Flow And The Theory Of Global Games - The Impact Of Alternative Trading Systems On Securities Markets