Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz


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Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz leitet seit 2009 die Professur für Innovation und Entrepreneurship, insbesondere Japan/Ostasien an der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt. Ihre Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Frage, wie etablierte Unternehmen und Entrepreneure innovativ agieren, wie Universitäten die Bildung von Wissen fördern, wie Organisationen durch ihr institutionelles Umfeld unterstützt werden und wie digitale Unternehmen ihre Identität gestalten. Cornelia Storz befasst sich weiter mit Innovation und Unternehmertum in Entwicklungsländern. In aktuellen Forschungsprojekten arbeitet sie mit neuen Methoden (Computervision) zur Analyse von Produktdifferenzierung. Die Forschungsprojekte von Cornelia Storz wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), die Volkswagenstiftung, die Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) und das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördert. Ihre jüngsten Publikationen sind u.a. veröffentlicht in Research Policy, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Long Range Planning, Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Industry and Innovation, Socio-Economic Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Economics, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Zudem hat sie mehrere Special Issues, u.a. bei Research Policy und Socio-Economic Review, sowie zahlreiche Bücher herausgegeben und veröffentlicht (Oxford University Press; Palgrave MacMillan; Edward Elgar; Routledge).

Bevor sie an die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt kam, war Cornelia Storz als Professorin an der Hochschule Bremen und der Universität Marburg tätig. Sie hatte Gastprofessuren u.a. an der Universität Osaka, Japan, inne, und war zudem Gastwissenschaftlerin an der Stanford Graduate School of Business, am Keck Graduate Institute, und am Institute for Innovation Research an der Hitotsubashi-Universität, Tokio. Auf Einladung des METI (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie), Tokio, arbeitete sie als Gastwissenschaftlerin am RIETI (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry), Tokio.

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Recent Publications - Aktuelle Publikationen


Storz, C., Amoncio, E., & Ramachandran, R. (2024). Entrepreneurship Trainings and Human Capital Endowment: When Learning from External Sources Does (Not) Increase Performance. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, (open access). 

Casper, S., Miozzo, M., & Storz, C. (2024). The Emergence of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The Interplay between Early Entrepreneurial Activity and Public Policy in the Korean Online Gaming Industry. Industry and Innovation, 31(3), 280–310.

Miozzo, M., Storz, C., & Casper, S. (2023). Digital creatives and digital engineers: entrepreneurial firms, institutional context, and the organization of innovation. Socio-Economic Review, 22(1), 107–139.

Zou, N., & Storz, C. (2023). Why do some entrepreneurs thrive? A network content perspective. Journal of Business Research, 161, 113821.

Amoncio, E., Chan, T. H., and Storz, C. (2023). Computer Vision for Visual Analysis: New Insights From Product Design Visual Similarity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.

Storz, C., ten Brink, T., & Zou, N. (2022). Innovation in emerging economies: How do university-industry linkages and public procurement matter for small businesses? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39, 1439–1480.

Herrmann, A. M., Storz, C., & Held, L. (2022). Whom do Nascent Ventures search for? Resource Scarcity and Linkage Formation Activities during New Product Development Processes. Small Business Economics, 58, 475-496.

Conlé, M., Storz, C., Kroll, H., & ten Brink, T. (2021). University Satellite Institutes as Exogenous Facilitators of Technology Transfer Ecosystem Development. The Journal of Technology Transfer.  

Storz, C., & Taube, M. (eds.) (2020). Firms, Institutions, and the State in East Asia. A Festschrift in Honour of Werner Pascha. Marburg: Metropolis. (click here for publication)

Fragkandreas, T., & Storz, C. (2020). Knowledge Diffusion in Management: Kaizen in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Storz, C., & Taube, M. (eds.): Firms, Institutions, and the State in East Asia. A Festschrift in Honour of Werner Pascha. Marburg: Metropolis, 89-109.  (click here for publication)

Amelung, I., Bälz, M., Holbig, H., Schumann, M., & Storz, C. (eds) (2018). Protecting the Weak. Framing, Mobilisation and Institutionalisation. London: Routledge. (click here for publication)

Storz, C., & Holbig, H. (2018). Theories on Institutional Change: An Application to the Dynamics of “Protecting the Weak”. In: Amelung, I., Bälz, M., Holbig, H., Schumann, M., & Storz, C. (eds): Protecting the Weak. Framing, Mobilisation and Institutionalisation. Routledge, 111-136.  (click here for publication)

Casper, S., & Storz, C. (2017). Bounded careers in creative industries. Surprising patterns in video games. Industry and Innovation, 24(3), 213-248.

Casper, S., & Storz, C. (2016). Entrepreneurial Communities and the State. The Emergence of Korea’s On-Line Gaming Industry. In: Whitley, R., & Zhang, X. (eds): Changing Business Systems in Asia: Globalisation, Socio-Political Change, and Economic Organisation. Oxford University Press, 306-332.

Storz, C., Riboldazzi, F., & John, M. (2015). Mobility and Innovation: A Cross-Country Comparison in the Video Game Industry. Research Policy, 44(1), 121-137.

Storz, C., & Casper, S. (2015). Careers with Boundaries: Innovation within the Japanese Video Game Industry. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Krafft, J., Lechevalier, S., Quatraro, F., & Storz, C. (eds.) (2014). Special Section Research Policy: Emergence of New Industries. Research Policy, 43(10), 1663-1665.  

Krafft, J., Lechevalier, S., Quatraro, F., & Storz, C. (2014). Emergence and evolution of new industries: The path-dependent dynamics of knowledge creation. Research Policy, 43(10), (Special Section „Emergence of New Industries“), 1663-1665.  

Lechevalier, S., Nishimura, J., Storz, C. (2014). Diversity in patterns of industry evolution: how an intrapreneurial regime contributed to the emergence of the service robot industry in Japan. Research Policy, 43(10), 1716-1729.

Storz, C., Amable, B., Casper, S., & Lechevalier, S. (eds.) (2013). Special Issue Socio Economic Review: Asian Capitalisms. Socio Economic Review, 11(2), 217–232.

Storz, C., Amable, B., Casper, S., & Lechevalier, S. (2013). Bringing Asia into the comparative capitalism perspective. Socio Economic Review 11(2), 217-232.

Storz, C., & Schäfer, S. (2013 Paperback, 2011 Hardback). Institutional Diversity and Innovation. Continuing and Emerging Patterns in Japan and China (with guest contribution of Marcus Conlé and preface of Richard Whitley). London: Routledge.  (click here for publication)

Pascha, W., Storz, C., Taube, M. (eds.) (2011). Institutional Variety in East Asia. Formal and informal patterns of coordination. Edward Elgar (New Horizons in Insitutional and Evolutionary Economics Series).  (click here for publication)

Schäfer, S., & Storz, C. (2010). Rigidity and Change in the Japanese Venture Economy. In: Haghirian, P. (ed.): Innovation and Change in Japanese Management. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, 39 -58.  (click here for publication)

Storz, C. (2009). Sources and Processes of Change: The Case of the Game Software Industry. In: Söderberg, M., & Nelson, P. (eds.): Japan’s Politics and Economy. Perspectives on Change. London: Routledge, 182-200.  (click here for publication)

Rüland, J., Schubert, G., Schucher, G., & Storz, C. (eds.) (2009 Paperback, 2008 Hardback). Asian-European Relations. Building Blocks for global governance? London: Routledge.  (click here for publication)

Storz, C. (2008). Dynamics in Innovation Systems: Evidence from Japan's Game Software Industry. Research Policy 37(9), 1480-1491.


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