News Archiv
Simon Heß was awarded the "Sturm & Drang Prize" 2020
Simon Heß was awarded the "Sturm & Drang Prize" 2020 for the best publication by a young researcher of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Congratulations! Link [mehr]
Uwe Hassler receives Distinguished Author Award
In recognition of significant and sustained research contributions to Journal of Time Series Analysis Uwe Hassler was placed on the inaugural list of Distinguished Authors of this journal. Further details can be found here.[mehr]
New Working Paper: The Long-Term Distributional and Welfare Effects of Covid-19 School Closures (Alexander Ludwig)
Using a structural life-cycle model, we analyze the long-term income, welfare- and distributional consequences of school closures due to Covid-19 on children. Parental reactions reduce the negative impact of school closures on children, but do not fully offset it. On average, long-term earnings losses are about 1% for all children. Those losses are larger for younger children and for children...[mehr]