"Research Data Infrastructure for Financial Data / Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für Finanzdaten (FiF)"
The fundamental goal of the FiF project is to create a research data infrastructure for financial data which is bundling and propagating the existing but isolated knowledge about financial research data of individual researchers and projects. The main purpose will be to make knowledge about financial data world-wide visible and to improve the usability of financial data by providing a service platform that includes the documentation, archiving, identification and linking of datasets for own research questions. In particular, young researchers will be able to benefit from the sharing platform, as it will significantly reduce the time needed to familiarize with scientific (data) topics in finance. The goal is to further develop existing metadata standards and to adapt them to the requirements of financial data sets. This allows connecting the new repository to already existing structures and standards within the field of social sciences and to enable international compatibility. The project includes the practical implementation of the system and covers several case studies. The focus of the repository will be on European financial data. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).