News Archive


Wiederwahl von Alfons Weichenrieder in BMF-Beirat

Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat beim Bundesfinanzministerium (BMF) hat auf seiner Sitzung am 15. November Alfons Weichenrieder, Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Finanzwissenschaft an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und SAFE-Fellow, zum Januar 2025 für zwei weitere Jahre zu seinem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden gewählt. Für den Beiratsvorsitz wurde Jörg Rocholl, Präsident der European...[more]


New Publication by Alfons Weichenrieder and coauthors: "Retained earnings, foreign portfolio ownership, and the German current account: A firm-level approach", German Economic Review.

The paper "Retained earnings, foreign portfolio ownership, and the German current account: A firm-level approach" suggests a framework to correct for a misleading attribution of corporate savings and applies this concept to Germany. For the years 2012–2020, the corrections retrospectively reduce German savings and consequently the German current account surplus by, on average, €11.5 bn...[more]


Best Paper Prize for Hirofumi Takikawa

Hirofumi Takikawa was awarded the Best Paper Prize of the Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2023 for the article: "Optimal Income Taxation and Formalization of the Informal Economy". Further Details can be found here. [more]
