- Bachelorseminar: EU Fiskalunion und Finanzpolitik (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Bachelor: Public Finance (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Master: Fundamentals of Public Policy (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Master: Advanced Microeconomic Theory 1 (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Master: Applied Environmental Policy and Regulation (Dr. Bialek)
- Master: the Practice of International Taxation (Hon. Prof. Rehm)
- Master: Central Banking and Monetary Union (Hon. Prof. Mongelli)
- Masterseminar: Topics of Economic Policy (Hon. Heise, Dr. Jurkat)
- Bachelorseminar: Umwelt, natürliche Ressourcen und Energiewende (Dr. Bialek)
- Masterseminar: Finance and Economic Policy Issues in Rural Regions (Dr. Blesse)
- Masterseminar: The Economics of the Energy Turnaround (Hon. Prof. Durth)
- Bachelorseminar: Unternehmensbesteuerung (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Bachelor: Public Finance (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Master: Fundamentals of Public Policy (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Master: Advanced Microeconomic 1 (Prof. Weichenrieder)
- Master: The Practice of International Taxation (Prof. Rehm)