Lecture by Prof. Dr. Thomas Piketty
Workshop of the Cluster of Excellence Normative Orders at the Goethe University: "Normen in der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Normung des volkswirtschaftlichen Curriculums"

On February 18th & 19th 2010, IG-Farben-Haus on Campus Westend.
A debate surrounding the direction and methods of their discipline has emerged among German economists. The trigger of this "new method dispute" ("Neuer Methodenstreit") has been the plan of the University of Cologne to rededicate their Chairs of Economic Policy in order to create an "internationally competitive" research focus on macroeconomics. One of the central questions in this debate, which has been carried out mainly in print media, is if and how the subject of economic policy should remain part of the economics curriculum.
The workshop "Normen der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Normung des volkswirtschaftlichen Curriculums" aims at tracing the fundamentals of each position in this "new method dispute" from the perspectives of epistemology and the history of economic thought.
Together with Prof. Dr. Volker Caspari, Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Bertram Schefold hosts this workshop in the IG-Farben-Haus on Campus Westend of the Goethe University Frankfurt. The program begins on Thursday, February 18th 2010, 2 pm.
Additional information and the workshop's detailed program can be found here.
The homepage of the Cluster of Excellence offeres more information on goals, main research areas and other events of this body.
Conference in honor of Prof. Schefold
A conference titled "Long Period Analysis in the 19th, 20th and 21st Century" has taken place at the Goethe University on February 5th & 6th, 2009 on occasion of Prof. Schefold's 65th birthday
The program of the conference on "Long Period Analysis in the 19th, 20th and 21st Century" can be found here.
The contributions to the conference have been published as a Festschrift in honor of Bertram Schefold:
Caspari, Volker (ed.): The Evolution of Economic Theory. Essays in honour of Bertram Schefold. Abington, New York: Routledge 2011.
Festschrift in honor of Prof. Schefold
On occasion of his 65th birthday, a Festschrift has been written in honor of Prof. Schefold. It venerates his achievements as well as his tenure as Professor of Economics, spanning 34 years at the Goethe University. A German article from the University's newsletter can be viewed here.
Teaching evaluation winter term 07/08
The seminar "Wirtschaft, Kultur und Globalisierung", hosted by Professor Schefold, has made first place during the teaching evaluation of the specialization part of the Diploma degree program.
Bestowal of honorary doctorate in Macerata and Tübingen
Prof. Schefold has been conferred the honorary doctorate of the Università degli studi di Macerata (Italy) on Thursday, April 14th 2005. A few pictures of the ceremony may be viewed here.
Speeches on occasion of the bestowal of the honorary doctorate to Prof. Schefold in Macerata (in Italian, .pdf format)
Prof. Schefold has also been awarded the honorary doctorate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tübingen. Here are some impressions from the ceremony.