Professor Dr. Dres. h.c. Bertram Schefold

Phone: | +49 (69) 798-34760 (office) |
E-Mail: | schefold[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de |
Address: | Goethe University Frankfurt |
Office: | RuW 3.216 and 3.217 |
Office hours: | Tuesday 2:30 pm to 4 pm (please make an appointment with the office) |
Working papers / documents by Bertram Schefold
At present, the following working papers and documents by Bertram Schefold are offered for download:
- (2022) The Rarity of Reswitching Explained
- (2021) Land and Credit in the History of Economic Thought. Dian and "pactum antichriseos"
- (2021) Pasinetti's Separation Theorem
- (2021) Ordoliberalism as a new synthesis of earlier German economic thought
- (2021) Why Sraffa was right not to publish his last article - a comment on Yoann Verger
- (2021) Wie Gottfried Leibniz trotz Zinseszins die Barwertformel begründete
- (2021) Best Techniques Leave Little Room for Substitution. A New Critique of the Production Function, with Götz Kersting
- (2021) Sraffa´s Protoeconomics. A Comment on Ajit Sinha: Interpreting the nature of Sraffa´s equations: A Critique of Garegnanis´s Interpretation
- (2021) Sraffa´s 'Reduction' of the Prices of Basics
- (2016) Marx, the Production Function and the Old Neoclassical Equilibrium: Workable under the Same Assumptions? With an Appendix on the Likelihood of Reswitching and of Wicksell Effects, Centro Sraffa Working Papers (CSWP) 19
- (2021) Review of "What's wrong with economics? A primer for the perplexed" (by Robert Skidelsky). For Journal of Economics.
- (2021) Review of "Democracy and Money. Lessons For Today from Athens in Classical Times" (by Bitros, Economou, Kyriazis). For Constitutional Political Economy
- (2021) Review of "Le marché du merite: Penser le droit et l´économie avec Léonard Lessius" (by Wim Decock). For Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History. Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
- (2021) Review of "Classical Political Economics and Modern Capitalism. Theories of value, competition, trade and long cycles" (by Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Persefoni Tsaliki). For Oeconomia.
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