Lectures by Prof. Schefold
Lecture: Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (Bachelor orientation phase) [German]
Lecture: Theoriegeschichte (Bachelor semi-elective and VWL-minor course) [German]
Lecture: Wachstum und Konjunktur (Bachelor semi-elective and VWL-minor course) [German]
Lecture: History of Economic Theory (Master semi-elective and VWL-minor course) [English]
Lecture: History and Developments of General Equilibrium Theory (Doctoral studies, Ph.D., specialisation IW and MM) [English]
Past courses in Diplom VWL:
Lecture: Mikroökonomie I (Grundstudium) [German]
Lecture: Mikroökonomie II (Vertiefungsstudium) [German]
Lecture: Konjunktur und Wachstum (Spezialisierungsstudium) [German]