Prof. Matthias Schündeln, Ph.D.
Current Position
Since 2009: Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt
Past Position
2004 - 2009: Assistant Professor, Harvard University
Other Affiliations
Associated Member of Exc. Cluster The Formation of Normative Orders at Goethe University
Affiliate Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD)
Research Fellow Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn
CESifo Research Network Affiliate, Munich
Member Verein für Socialpolitik: Research Committee Development Economics
2004: Ph.D. Economics, Yale University
2001: M.Phil. Economics, Yale University
2000: M.A. Economics, Yale University
1996: Staatsexamen, Mathematics and Geography, Cologne University
Research Interests
Development Economics
Revisiting the historical state: Long-term effects of institutional history on deforestation (with Johannes Van Vlodrop). Economics Letters 233, 2023 (111401).
Pro-environmental Voting when Climate Change is Made Salient: Evidence from High-resolution Flooding Data (with Felix Holub). PLOS Climate 2(8), 2023 (e0000219). Replication files.
Social Hierarchies and the Allocation of Development Aid: Evidence from the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal (with Prakash Pathak). Journal of Public Economics 209, 2022 (104607). Online Appendix.
The Demand for Advice: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Dominik Naeher). World Bank Economic Review 36(1), 2022, 91-113.
Environmental Effects of Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from West African Drylands (with Simon Heß and Dany Jaimovich). Journal of Development Economics 153, 2021 (102737). Online Appendix. Replication Files.
Development Projects and Economic Networks: Lessons from Rural Gambia (with Simon Heß and Dany Jaimovich). Review of Economic Studies 88(3), 2021, 1347–1384. Online appendix and replication files.
The Long-Term Effects of Communism in Eastern Europe. (with Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln), Journal of Economic Perspectives 34(2), 2020, 172-191. Online Appendix. Replication files.
Multiple Visits and Data Quality in Household Surveys. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 80(2), 2018, 380-405.
On the Endogeneity of Political Preferences: Evidence from Individual Experience with Democracy. (with Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln), Science 347 (6226), 6 March 2015, 1145-1148. Link to the author's own version. Supplementary Materials. Replication Files.
Private versus Social Returns to Human Capital: Education and Economic Growth in India. (with John Playforth), European Economic Review 66, February 2014, 266-283.
Are Immigrants More Mobile than Natives? Evidence from Germany. Journal of Regional Science 54(1), January 2014, 70-95.
Local Financial Development and Firm Performance: Evidence from Morocco. (with Marcel Fafchamps), Journal of Development Economics 103, July 2013, 15-28.
Appreciating Depreciation: Physical Capital Depreciation in a Developing Country. Empirical Economics 44 (3), June 2013, 1277-1290.
Ethnic Heterogeneity and the Private Provision of Public Goods. Journal of Development Studies, 49 (1), January 2013, 36-55.
Where are Limited Liability Companies Formed? An Empirical Analysis. (with Jens Dammann), Journal of Law and Economics, 55(4), November 2012, 741-791.
Deterring or Displacing Electoral Irregularities? Spillover Effects of Observers in a Randomized Field Experiment in Ghana. (with Nahomi Ichino), Journal of Politics, 74 (1), January 2012, 292–307. Replication files.
The Incorporation Choices of Privately Held Corporations. (with Jens Dammann), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 27(1), Spring 2011, 79-112.
Can Entrepreneurial Activity Be Taught? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Central America. (with Bailey Klinger) World Development, 39(9), 2011, 1592–1610.
Who Stays, Who Goes, Who Returns? East-West Migration within Germany since Reunification. (with Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln), Economics of Transition, 17(3), 2009, 703-738.
Precautionary Savings and Self-Selection: Evidence from the German Reunification "Experiment". (with Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120 (3), August 2005, 1085-1120.
The Savings Behavior of East and West Germans - Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Evidence. (with Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln), Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 123 (1), 2003, 209-220.
Recent Working Paper
Institutions under Pressure: The Effect of Community Groups on Forest Preservation after a Natural Disaster