
2023Milad GoodarziEssays on Asset Pricing
2019 Claudia ZunftEssays on Risk Premiums in Currency and Equity Markets
2019Ilya DergunovEssays on Asset Pricing
2018Andreea-Liliana VladuEssays on Interest Rates at the Lower Bound
2018Rüdiger WeberEssays in Asset Pricing
2018Jun LiEssays in Macro-Finance
2017Tatyana MarchukEssays in Asset Pricing and Financial Intermediation
2017Kailin ZengEssays on Empirical Asset Pricing
2017Eduard Dubin

Essays on Asset Pricing, Computational Economics, and Price-Sensitivity Estimation 

2016Heinrich KickAsset pricing, financial intermediation and banking supervision in the aftermath of the financial crisis
2016Kathi SchlepperEssays on Current Phenomena and Developments in Financial Markets
2016Sonia ZahariaEssays in Banking and Financial Markets
2016Ioana DumitrescuEssays on General Equilibrium Models with Alternative Preference Specifications
2014Patrick GrüningEssays on Asset Pricing with Contagion, Endogenous Growth, and Long-run Risk
2014Vesela IvanovaRecovering Objective Market Expectations From Option Prices for Forecasting and Risk Assessment
2013Oliver BerndtGeneral Equilibrium Foundations and Continuous-Time Finance for Heterogeneous and International Economies
2013Yuliya PlyakhaEssays on Optimal and Benchmark Portfolios, and on the use of Option-Implied Information
2012Adrian BußEssays in Asset Pricing
2012Sha HePrice Dynamics of European CO2Allowances – An Equilibrium Model and a Reduced-Form Analysis
2012Katja IgnatievaVolatility Modeling in Equity and Energy Markets with Applications to Derivative Pricing , Hedging and Risk Management
2011Christoph MeinerdingAsset Allocation and Asset Pricing in Capital Markets with Financial Contagion
2011David HornEssay on Pricing, Hedging and Informational Content of Options
2008Grigory VilkovPhD @ INSEAD
2008Norman SeegerEssays on Option Pricing in the Presence of Transaction Costs
2008Eva KrautheimEssays on Asset Allocation and Derivatives
2008Raisa BeygelmanBid-Ask Spreads and Asymmetry of Options Prices
2007Paulo RodriguesPanel Data Models with Spatially Correlated and Heteroscedastic Innovations: Large and Small Sample Results
2007Dirk HerkommerEssays on Credit Risk Modeling
2005Nicole BrangerEssays on Option Prices
2004Iskra KaloðeraEssays on Stock Options: Price Dynamics, Liquidity, and Information Transmission
2004Burkart MönchStrategic Trading in Illiquid Markets
2004Chrisotph BenkertDefault Risk in bond and Credit Derivatives Markets
2003Angelika EsserPricing in (In)Complete Markets: Structural Analysis and Applications


