Bachelor theses

Assignment, topics and procedure


Prof Haselmanns chair supervises bachelor theses on topics related to his main research areas. Below you will find examples of possible topics:

  • Revision of the calculation methods for operational risks
  • The importance of bank capital for financial stability
  • Impact of the 2006-2008 financial crisis on lending in the private customer business in Germany
  • Do Private Equity Investments generate superior Returns?
  • Corporate Governance and Fraud: The Chinese Case
  • Effects of government interventions in the banking sector – Methods and implications
  • Measures of systemic risk and their predictive power
  • MREL – analysis of the European resolution framework and its implications for bank funding
  • Does financial network complexity harm the economy?
  • Large funds and shareholder voting: A critical analysis
  • On the mergers of systemically important banks
  • ESG performance: An empirical analysis of the adoption of say-on-pay laws
  • Differences in deposit pass through rates across Europe
  • Residential real estate dynamics in Europe

Bachelor's theses are only allocated via the central registration procedure in QIS. Detailed information and the further procedure can be found under the heading ‘Bachelor's thesis’ on the pages of the Examinations Office.

The chair of Prof. Haselmann has no influence on the allocation of places, as this is organised by the examination office and via QIS. If it is no longer possible to reserve a place via QIS, all capacities are fully booked. Applications outside of the central registration procedure will not be accepted by Prof Haselmann's department.

If you have been assigned to our department to work on your bachelor's thesis, you will receive an e-mail from us to clarify initial questions, including topic preferences, preferred language (German or English) and start date of the bachelor's thesis.

After notifying us of your preferences and the desired start date, your supervisor will contact you to arrange a personal appointment to finalise the topic of your bachelor's thesis. Here you will have the opportunity to discuss and take into account any topic preferences. At this appointment, the Examination Office's assignment form will be filled out with your details, which you must then submit to the Examination Office in accordance with the deadlines set by the Examination Office.

Information on the procedure and the applicable deadlines can be found on the website of the Examination Office.
