Spokesperson of the Department of Management and Microeconomics
Prof. Dr. Michael Kosfeld
Chair of Organization and Management
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4
60323 Frankfurt/Main
Tel: (+49) - (0)69 - 798 34823
Mail: kosfeld[at]econ.uni-frankfurt[dot]de
How to find us
How to find us
From the main station (Hauptbahnhof) via public transportation:
Travel two stops in any of the trains (S-Bahn) departing from platform 101 or 102, located in the underground level (Tiefbahnhof), to Hauptwache. Change there to the subway, lines U1, U2, U3, U8 in the direction Ginnheim, Gonzenheim, Hohemark, Riedberg. Get off after three stops at Holzhausenstraße and follow the signs to the university.
You can retrieve the timetables at the Websites of Deutsche Bahn
( and Rhein Main-Verkehrsverbund (
From the main station (Hauptbahnhof) via taxi: A taxi cab will take about 10 minutes to get to Grüneburgplatz, Campus Westend (depending on traffic possibly longer) and costs about 12 Euro.
From the Airport (Flughafen) via public transportation: Take the S-Bahn S8 or S9 (direction Offenbach or Hanau) to Frankfurt main station (Hauptbahnhof). This will take about 11 minutes. From there, please see the directions above. The ticket you purchase at the airport is still valid for your connection within the city, the fare is 3.90 Euro.
To Campus Westend by car:
Coming from the west (Cologne): take the motor way A3 direction Frankfurt; at the crossing Wiesbadener Kreuz change to the A66 direction Frankfurt. The motor way terminates in the city (Miquelallee): from there turn right into Hansaallee at the first light.
Turn right at the second light into Bremer Straße. After circa 50 metres, turn right into the parking lot.
Coming from the east (Würzburg): take the motor way A3 direction Frankfurt; at the crossing Frankfurter Kreuz change to the A5 direction Kassel, then at the crossing Nordwestkreuz change to the A66 direction Miquelallee. Then go on as descripted above.
Coming from the north (Kassel): A5 direction Frankfurt, at the crossing Nordwestkreuz Frankfurt change to the A66 direction Miquelallee. Then go on as descripted above.
Coming from the south (Darmstadt): A5 direction Frankfurt, at the crossing Nordwestkreuz Frankfurt change to the A66 direction Miquelallee. Then go on as descripted above.
Alternatively, you can use an internet navigation site, in order to have a route calculated from your location.
You find us in the RuW-Building. Go upstairs to the fourth floor, then turn right and pass the glass door.