

One, two, many: Decision-makers often pass on costs without hesitating to large groups

Evidence shows that individuals often do not act in a completely selfish manner, but rather take into account the welfare of other parties when making decisions. But how decision-makers trade off costs and benefits when the costs are dispersed among many individuals is unclear. In a new publication, forthcoming in the Review of Economic Studies, Michael Kosfeld, Professor of Organization and...[more]


(Non-)monetary incentives and the meaning of work

Employees care about more than just money. Understanding these non-monetary motivations can help organisations incentivise performance. This column presents evidence from a field experiment that explored the motivational effects of ‘meaningful’ work. Recognition and meaning are found to have substitutive motivational effects, while monetary incentives and meaning have additive effects. More[more]


Die Grenzen von „Up or Out“: Welche Beförderungspraxis sich für Unternehmen am meisten auszahlt

Guido Friebel und seine Koautorinnen Emmanuelle Auriol und Frauke von Bierberstein untersuchen Beförderungspraktiken. In ihrem Forschungsartikel im Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization zeigen sie, dass die Up-or-Out-Praxis in den Sektoren und Berufen lohnend ist, in denen große Anstrengungen unternommen werden müssen, um erfolgreich zu sein, so zum Beispiel in der Forschung oder...[more]


Information meeting bachelor thesis summer term 2016

On Friday, April 8th 2016 at 12:00 p.m., there is a joint information session by the chairs of Prof. Friebel, Prof. Kosfeld, and Prof. Walz regarding bachelor theses for the upcoming semester. The session takes place in RuW 4.201 and is dedicated to students, who are interested in writing their bachelor thesis at one of the three chairs during the summer term 2016. Please sign up for the...[more]


Zählt nur der Eigennutz? Was den Menschen antreibt

Im Rahmen des Funkkolleg 2015/16 Wirtschaft von hr-iNFO erläutert Prof. Michael Kosfeld zusammen mit anderen Wissenschaftlern die Rolle des Eigennutzes und der Kooperationsbereitschaft in wirtschaftlichem Handeln. Die Sendung ist als MP3-Audio Datei abrufbar. Zur Sendung [more]


Behavioral Development Economics - Interview with Devesh Rustagi

Devesh Rustagi and Michael Kosfeld are part of an exciting initiative that fosters collaboration between Goethe University and ZEF (Centre for Development Research), which is a pioneering development research institute at the University of Bonn. Under this collaboration, researchers use concepts in behavioral economics to understand and find innovative solutions to problems in development...[more]


Forschung Aktuell - Interview mit Prof. Christine Zulehner

Konjunkturprogramme können die Folgen von Nachfrageschocks dämpfen[more]
