

The Chair of Industrial Orgnaization is looking for a student assistant (f/m/d)

The chair of Industrial Organization (Prof. Dr. Uwe Walz) is looking for a Student Assistant (f/m/d) (36h/month) for the winter term (16.10.2022 -15.03.2023) Please find the job description here. (Job description in German only) [more]


Article in magazine Capital to study of Prof. Guido Friebel

The article in the magazine Capital from January 27, 2022 deals with the effects of reduced bonus payments on employee behavior and refers to the study by Prof. Guido Friebel and Miriam Krüger "A Pay Change and Its Long-term Consequences" which will soon be published in the Journal of Labor Economics.  The link to the article can be found here.For more media articles on...[more]


Birkbeck’s Paper Development Workshop: Best Full Paper Award for Thanos Fragkandreas, Leo Leitzinger and Marius Liebald

We congratulate Thanos Fragkandreas, Leo Leitzinger and Marius Liebald for the Best Full Paper Award they received for their submitted paper: “Is the Linear Model of Innovation Actually Dead? A ‘Topic-Sentiment Analysis’ of Policy Documents.” Please find read more here.[more]

New Publication in the Journal of Technology Transfer: University Satellite Institutes as Exogenous Facilitators of Technology Transfer Ecosystem Development

University Satellite Institutes as Exogenous Facilitators of Technology Transfer Ecosystem Development, Conlé, M.; Kroll, H., Storz, C., & ten Brink, T., 2021<conlé,>, The Journal of Technology Transfer, [published online 5. December 2021] Abstract: Universities can contribute to knowledge-based regional development not only in their home region but...[more]


New publication in Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research: " Entrepreneur's Exit Strategy Intentions and Their Final Exit Paths"

Entrepreneurs' Exit Strategy Intentions and Their Final Exit Paths, Sascha Hohen, Lars Schweizer, 2021, Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, [published online 23. November 2021] Abstract: This paper explores entrepreneurs’ initially intended exit strategies and compares them to their final exit paths using an inductive approach that builds on the grounded...[more]


The paper "The Hidden Costs of Control" by A. Falk and M. Kosfeld is reviewed in new book

The paper „The Hidden Costs of Control” (Link) by Armin Falk and Michael Kosfeld is reviewed in the new book The Art of Experimental Economics – Twenty Top Papers Reviewed edited by Gary Charness and Mark Pingle. (Link) The book “identifies and reviews 20 of the most important papers to have been published in experimental economics in order to highlight the power and methods of this area,...[more]


New publication in Games and Economic Behavior: "Division of labor and the organization of knowledge in production: A laboratory experiment"

Division of labor and the organization of knowledge in production: A laboratory experiment, Victor Klockmann, Alicia von Schenk, Ferdinand A. von Siemens, 2021, Games and Economic Behavior, 130, 196 - 210, Abstract: Following Garicano (2000), we consider groups whose members decide what knowledge to acquire and how to use this knowledge in production. If...[more]

Displaying 22 to 28 of 80