

New Publication in "Management Science"

Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance: A Long‐Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain, Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Nikolay Zubanov, Management Science,, [Published online: 22. Feburar 2021] Abstract: In a randomized controlled trial, a large retail chain’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) sets new goals for the managers of the treated stores by...[more]


Management blog of Wirtschaftswoche about actual study of Prof. Friebel

The management blog of the Wirschaftswoche of February 02, 2021 deals with the study of Prof. Guido Friebel regarding the impact of improved communication between manager and employees on staff turnover and company success. You can find the blog post here. (only available in German) For more press articles and media on current research topics by members of the Department of Management and...[more]


We are looking for Research Assistants

The Chair for the Study of Economic Institutions, Innovation and East Asian Development, Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University invites applications for Research Assistant positions. Please find more information [here]. [more]


3. Research Seminar "Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation"

3. Research Seminar "Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation"January 21, 2021, Goethe University Frankfurt - in Cooperation with Technische Universität Darmstadt- Program- Digital platform: see Program[more]


New publication in "Organization Science"

Market Competition and the Effectiveness of Performance Pay, Pooyan Khashabi, Matthias Heinz, Nick Zubanov, Tobias Kretschmer, Guido Friebel, Organization Science,, [Published online: 24 Dec 2020] Abstract It is well established that the effectiveness of pay-for-performance (PfP) schemes depends on employee- and organization-specific factors. However, less is...[more]


New publication in "Small Business Economics"

Whom do nascent ventures search for? Resource scarcity and linkage formation activities during new product development processes, Andrea M. Herrmann, Cornelia Storz, Lukas Held, Small Business Economics, [Published Online: 16 December 2020] Abstract: External linkages allow nascent ventures to access crucial resources during the process of new...[more]


Internal job offer

The Chair for the Study of Economic Institutions, Innovation and East Asian Development (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz), invites applications for a Student Assistant Position (m/ f/ d) Monthly number of working hours: 20h Please find closer information here.[more]
