We are looking for a Student Assistant
For a project in the field of Entrepreneurship/ Innovation we are looking for a Student Assistant (f/m/d) working hours 10 - 20h per week. Please read more here.[more]
News articles to actual research
Please find news articles and media on actual research topics of the members of the department here.[more]
New publication in "Journal of the Economic Science Association"
"I care what you think: social image concerns and the strategic revelation of past pro-social behavior"; is the titel of the newest publication of Ferdinand von Siemens: Please find following the abstract as well as the link to the publication. Abstract: This article studies whether people want to control what information on their own past pro-social behavior is revealed to others....[more]
Corona Updates
Please find on the website [link] of the University updates about COVID-19.[more]
Research Seminar
We regret that we can currently not receive guests for our Applied Microeconomics and Organizational Seminar. It is unlikley that the situation will change before the end of May. We will post news here.[more]
The initiators of Scientists4Future call for the action #LecturesForFuture on Friday,29th November 2019. We participate in the action with the following lecture: Verhaltensökonomische Grundlagen von Klimaverhandlungen This lecture is not public Prof. Dr. Michael Kosfeld Thursday, 28.11.19 8:15-10:00 HZ 2 [more]
Study explores the trustworthiness of applicants to the German police force
Articles about the study from Michael Kosfeld, Guido Friebel and Gerd Thielmann, which appears in the November issue of American Economic Journal: Microeconomic. Please find following the links to the articles: Why the German police deserve your trust, IZA Newsroom, 5.11.2019 Motivated to serve and protect, American Economic Association, 4.11.2019[more]