The Chair of Human Resource Management is looking for a student assistant
The Chair of Human Resource Management is looking for a student assistant (20-30h/per months) for the winter term 2019/20. Please find more information here. (Job description only in German available) [more]
The initiators of Scientists4Future call for the action #LecturesForFuture from Friday,14th June 2019 until Thursday, 20th June 2019 We participate in the action with the following lectures: Extra Session on Climate Protection This lecture is not public Prof. Dr. Ferdinand von Siemens Friday, 14.06.19 8:15-10:00 HZ 15 The Behavioral Economics of Climate Negotiations Prof. Dr....[more]
Digital Economics - How sciences and business work together
Michael Kosfeld and Florian Hett in an informal disucssion with Seabstian Schäfer (Executive Director of Frankfurter TechQuartiers) about Digital Economics (Video in English)
FB02 Community: Portrait Prof. Dr. Michael Kosfeld
FB02 Community: Portrait Prof. Dr. Michael Kosfeld [more]
Jean Tirole talk
On December 7th, the Department of Management and Microeconomics welcomes Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics), Noble price winner for economics 2014. He will give a talk on Marking to Market versus Taking to Market. The lecture takes place at 12:30 o’clock in Hörsaal 7 (lecture hall).[more]
Invitation to the CLBO event with Steven Vallas
Attached please find the invitation to the CLBO event with Prof. Steven Vallas. The event will take place on Wednesday, 24th January 2018, from 18.30h – 20.00h at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend. Participation in the event and following reception is free of charge. For registration, please send an email to[more]
Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Vortragsreihe "Gesellschaft in Bewegung: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Flucht und Migration" der Fachbereiche Erziehungswissenschaften, Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Psychologie und Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung bieten Vortragende aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen verschiedene Perspektiven auf die Thematik Migration und Flucht. Wir...[more]