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Information session bachelor theses winter term 2017/2018

Information session bachelor theses winter term 2017/2018 On Tuesday, October 17th 2017 at 6 PM, there is a joint information session by the chairs of Prof. Walz, Prof. Friebel and Prof. Kosfeld regarding bachelor theses for the upcoming semester. The session takes place in RuW 4.201 and is dedicated to students who are interested in writing their bachelor thesis at one of the three chairs...[more]


Michael Kosfeld on the preferences of leaders

As part of the conference on "Economics and Leadership" that was held at the University of Groningen from June 7-9, 2017, Michael Kosfeld gave an interview about his research on the preferences of leaders. More[more]


Promoting Team Spirit with Bonus Payments

How do incentive systems for teams work? Guido Friebel about a field experiment in a German bakery retail chain. More[more]


Akademische Gedenkfeier zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhard Selten

Zu Ehren seines Alumnus Reinhard Selten, der im August des letzten Jahres kurz vor Vollendung seines 85. Lebensjahres starb, lud der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften zusammen mit der Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung am 9. März 2017 zu einer akademischen Gedenkfeier.[more]


LS Walz sucht Studentische Hilfskraft m/w

Die Professur für VWL, insb. Industrieökonomie, sucht ab dem 1.7.2017 eine neue studentische Hilfskraft. Die Stellenausschreibung finden sie hier.[more]


Michael Kosfeld gives Helmholtz Lecture

Michael Kosfeld gives Helmholtz Lecture. Further information[more]
