Asia Forum 2023: Lunch talk with Keun Lee (Seoul National University) July 7th, 2023, 12:20


This year's Asia Forum, a joint project of CEDITRAA, ConTrust and IZO, will feature a lunch talk with Keun Lee (Seoul National University), editor at Research Policy and a leading Korea economist. He will speak on "Evolution of the Film Industry in Korea: Market Liberalizations, the State, and the Changes in the Key Players" on July 7th, 2023, starting at 12:20. The talk will take place in the Normative Orders Building Room 501. If you plan to attend one of the workshop events (see program), please send a short registration via e-mail to leanh[at]tfm.uni-frankfurt[dot]de.


On July 6th at 18.15, there will be our public evening keynote “Korean Film and Television – Competitiveness and Future Prospects” held by film producer Dong Yeon Won, who is going to talk about the success of the Korean film and broadcasting industry from an insider perspective. It will be held at the Renate von Metzler-Saal at the Goethe University Westend Campus, and there will be a small reception beforehand at 17.30. You can find more information about the event here.

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