Michael Pachmajer
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Michael Pachmajer and Carsten Hentrich are Director’s at PwC and responsible for the firm’s digital transformation practice with a particular focus on the Family Business and Medium-Sized Companies segment.
Michael has longtime experience in management and technology consulting as well as in the industry. Michael‘s vision is to successfully lead the way for medium sized- and family-owned businesses to enter into the digital age. His approach consists of combining all aspects of culture-change with technology-change. He is change manager, technology-expert, designer, communicator and team player. He is also a lecturer at Goethe University Frankfurt for digital transformation and strategy.
If Michael is the organizational-cultural side of the digital medal, Carsten is the technological. A close to nature technologist that builds elegant bridges to innovative business models. He makes architectural visions a reality. Carsten holds an MSc (Dist) in Software Engineering from the University of Oxford as well as a PhD in Business Information Management from Westminster Business School in London. Carsten has more than 18 years of work experience in various fields and management roles and, moreover, is a frequent lecturer at Goethe University Frankfurt and other universities. An expert on agile architecture, he has written various books and publications.
Both have recently co-authored the book „d.quarks – The Path to Digital Business“, which was rewarded to the management book of the year 2016 and the getAbstract International Book Award 2017.