Research Projects
- "Addressing the Visual Turn in Management Research: New Insights for Optimal Distinctiveness and Identity Research" (DFG: STO 860/12-1)
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Dr. Egbert Amoncio (WIPO and Goethe University Frankfurt), in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Alexander Vossen (Tilburg University)
- "Board and innovation"
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Yichi Aoshima, and Prof. Dr. Masaru Karube (both Hitotsubashi University Tokyo, Institute of Innovation Research)
- "Organizational identity of new firms in digital industries" (JSPS: S20103)
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Yichi Aoshima, Hitotsubashi University Tokyo
- "European firms' collaboration with Chinese universities: Forms and effects" (BMBF: 01DO21007A)
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen
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- Press release BMBF (German) (English)
- Policy Brief
- "CEDITRAA – Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation in Africa and Asia" (BMBF: 01UC2113A)
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Hediger (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (JGU Mainz)
- Website
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- Press release BMBF (German) (English)
- Press release Goethe University (German)
- Press release idw scientific information service (English)
- Press release Rhein-Main Universitäten (German)
- "Digital Industries: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Emergent Strategies"
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Marcela Miozzo (King’s Business School, London)
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- "Public-Private Collaboration in China’s Innovative Rise: Effects and Mechanisms" (DFG: STO 860/8-1 / DFG: STO 860/8-2)
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Prof. Dr. Tobias ten Brink, Jacobs University Bremen
- Press release (German)
- Press release (English)
- WiWi News 01/2021 (German)
- "Africa´s Asian Options (AFRASO)" (BMBF: 01UC1702 / BMBF: 01UC1302)
- Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz (Goethe University Frankfurt) / Dr. Rajesh Ramachandran (Monash University Malaysia)
- Website
- AFRASO subtheme: "Japanese management techniques and firm level effects on productivity: Evidence from Africa" - read more
- AFRASO subtheme:"Access to Marketing: Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Zambia"
- AFRASO subtheme:"Impact of Entrepreneurship Training Programs: Evidence from Micro Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa"