Brown Bag Seminar

Thursday  12:30 - 13:30Room 4.201
12.04.12Nguyen-Khang DoThe importance of network structures on the analysis of peer pressure
19.04.12Eirini TatsiIdentification of Social Interaction Parameters: Evidence from Peer Effects in German Schools
26.04.12James TremewanExperiments on Multilateral Bargaining and Coalition Formation in Continuous Time
03.05.12Kristina CzuraWatch or harm your peers and repay anyway? Peer monitoring and peer punishment in a microfinance investment game in a lab experiment in India
24.05.12Tim EisertThe Manager - Shareholder Agency Conflict: Do Banks Prefer Non-Alignment?
31.05.12Alexander PerliThe Economics of Cultural Transmission – Parents’ Influence in horizontal\oblique transmission
14.06.12Neele SiemerWomen Do Ask! Gender Behavior of Consultation
21.06.12Abhinash BorahSocial Situations of Risk and Consequentialism.
28.06.12Ulrich SchüwerHow Do Banks React to Increased Asset Risks? Evidence from Hurricane Katrina
05.07.12Sebastian SchäferLeadership and Overconfidence
12.07.12Frank DrzenskyThe hidden costs of downsizing