Women in Editorial Boards: An investigation of female representation in top Economic journals

Category: Applied Microeconomics and Organization Seminar
When: 15 November 2023
, 14:15
 - 15:30
Where: RuW 4.201

TitleWomen in Editorial Boards: An investigation of female representation in top Economic journals (with Nagore Iriberri and Nicole Venus)

Abstract: We study the evolution of women in editorial boards for the most important journals in Economics (from their inception until today). We first document that the share of women in editorial boards has steadily increased over time. We second investigate whether this increase is a consequence of a larger pool of qualified female economists, or a change in the preference for appointing women. We find evidence for both, using a large database on detailed CV’s of more than 40’000 economists. Last, to understand whether there are gender gaps in the willingness and motivation to accept editorial board positions, we run a large-scale survey with prominent Economists of our profession.
