Goethe Money and Macro Association
The Goethe Money and Macro Association e.V. (GMMA) is a registered non-profit at Goethe University, Frankfurt. Its aim is to strengthen and improve both research and teaching activities at Goethe University’s department of money and macroeconomics.
With many alumni and members of the association now working at major corporations, central banks, research institutions and international organizations, it can also draw on a powerful and global network of contacts.
Allowing current students to access this network means improving the prospects of the students and giving employers access to the exceptional talent being developed within the department.
Alumni Membership
For alumni of the Department of Money and Macroeconomics, the GMMA membership is free of charge until the end of the first year after graduation. After the first year, members donate 50 Euros per year or – at their discretion – a higher amount. With the GMMA being a recognized non-profit, the membership fee is tax deductible in Germany.
For members of other alumni organizations of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the minimum annual fee is reduced to 25 Euros.
Alumni Members of the GMMA:
- Get access to the GMMA network
- Can contact other Alumni members
- Are invited to alumni meetings and conferences
- Help improve both teaching and research at the Department of Money and Macroeconomics
- Are able to stay in touch with students and faculty
How to Become a Member?
Our application form is available in English and German. If you are interested in becoming a member of the GMMA, please use the form and we will provide you with further information.
Circle of Friends
The objective of The ECB and Its Watchers Circle of Friends is to enable the GMMA to support the successful realization of the annual The ECB and Its Watchers conference series, which serves as an established platform for a mutually beneficial dialogue between central bankers, market participants and academics. It is a unique format with high-quality debate open to the media that has accompanied all the ups and downs of the euro area and policy making over the last 20 years. The series relies on financial support from research institutions such as IMFS and relevant financial firms via donation to The ECB and Its Watchers Circle of Friends. In this manner, an independent platform is created that fosters debate including critical views on ECB policy from diverse perspectives and backgrounds.
The GMMA is a registered non-profit at Goethe University, Frankfurt. Its aim is to strengthen and improve research, teaching and outreach activities at Goethe University’s department of money and macroeconomics and institutes affiliated with the department. The society also supports interdisciplinary research and interaction between academia, policy making and international practice in the areas of monetary and macroeconomics. Its network includes many alumni and members of the association that are now working at major corporations, central banks, research institutions and international organizations. Among other activities the GMMA supports The ECB and its Watchers Circle of Friends. The contributions of this group are used to fund the conference series and related outreach activities.
Board of Directors

Prof. Volker Wieland, Ph.D.
Professor Wieland is the President of the Goethe Money and Macro Association. He holds the Endowed Chair of Monetary Economics at Goethe University.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmut Siekmann
Professor Siekmann is the Vice-President of the Goethe Money and Macro Association. He holds the Endowed Chair of Money, Currency and Central Bank Law at Goethe University Frankfurt.

Sebastian Schmidt, Ph.D.
Sebastian Schmidt is a Principal Economist in the Monetary Policy Research Division of the European Central Bank and a Research Affiliate at CEPR.
Founding Members
Prof. Dr. Günter Beck
Professor für Makroökonomie, University of Siegen
Prof. Michael Binder, Ph.D.
Professur für VWL, insbesondere Makroökonomik und Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Prof. Michael Haliassos, Ph.D.
Professur für VWL, insbesondere Makroökonomik und Internationale Finanzmärkte
Dr. Ulrich Kater
Chefvolkswirt, DekaBank
Prof. Dirk Krüger, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Prof. Dr. Dieter Nautz
Professur für VWL, insbesondere Empirische Makroökonomie
Prof. Dr. Hermann Remsperger
Ehemaliges Mitglied im Vorstand der Deutschen Bundesbank
Statistik und Internationale Beziehungen
Prof. Volker Wieland
Professur für VWL, insbesondere Geldtheorie und Geldpolitik; Direktor des Center for Financial Studies