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New Discussion Paper: “Corporate Income Tax, IP Boxes and the Location of R&D“ (Alfons Weichenrieder)
New Discussion Paper by P. Shehaj and A. Weichenrieder on “Corporate Income Tax, IP Boxes and the Location of R&D“ Link[mehr]
eBook published: No Brainers and Low-Hanging Fruit in National Climate Policy
Francesco Caselli, Alexander Ludwig, Rick van der Ploeg The target for global warming agreed on in the 2015 Paris Agreement implies that effective policies must be implemented to reduce emissions for the whole planet as soon as possible and reach net zero in the second half of the 21st century. This eBook, with contributions from economists working in more than 18 countries, provides timely and...[mehr]
New Publication: Do stringent environmental policies deter FDI? M&A versus Greenfield (Alfons Weichenrieder)
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New Publication: Stick or Carrot? Asymmetric Responses to Vehicle Registration Taxes in Norway (Emilia Soldani)
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Simon Heß wins award for development research
Dr. Simon Heß, postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Development Economics, was awarded the “Young Researcher Award for Excellence in Policy Relevant Research on Developing Countries” by the Research Group on Development Economics of the Verein für Socialpolitik. The prize recognizes dissertations that combine original research with practical relevance. The prize is awarded with the support...[mehr]
New Publication: Tracking the rise of robots: A survey ofthe IFR database and its applications (Rainer Klump)
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