Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Campus Westend - Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4
Gebäude RuW
Postfach 66
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49-69-798-34701
Fax: +49-69-798-35004
Journey with car, approaching from A5 /A66 (Nordwestkreuz)
- At Nordwestkreuz Frankfurt in direction Miquelallee
- After the bridge get in the right lane and turn right at the first traffic light into „Hansaallee“
- After 300m turn right into “Bremer Straße”
- Turn right at the crossing into “Fürstenberger Straße”
When using navigation:
- Enter "Fürstenberger Straße 233" as destination
When using public Transport:
- From Bockenheimer Warte: Bus line 36 or 75 until Uni Campus Westend
- From Hauptwache: Subway lines U1, U2, U3 or U8 until Holzhausenstraße
- From Konstabler Wache: Bus line 36 until Uni Campus Westend
- From eastern train station /Westbahnhof): Bus line 36 (directing Bockenheimer Warte) unti Uni Campus Westend
- From Central Station: train lines S1 till S6, S8 or S9 to Hauptwache, then line U1, U2, U3 or U8 until Holzhausenstraße