
05/27/24 | General

New web presence

Over the last years, our faculty’s website has developed into a key source of information for many of our…

Over the last years, our faculty’s website has developed into a key source of information for many of our target groups. At the same time,…

05/15/24 | General

Frankfurt Macro Seminar: A new joint initiative between Bundesbank, ECB, Frankfurt School and Goethe University

The first edition of the newly established Frankfurt Macro Seminar took place at the House of Finance at Goethe…

The first edition of the newly established Frankfurt Macro Seminar took place at the House of Finance at Goethe University Frankfurt on May…

05/02/24 | General

M.Sc. International Management becomes M.Sc. Management Science

Welcome to our innovative Master's in Management Science program! This unique program is carefully crafted to…

Welcome to our innovative Master's in Management Science program! This unique program is carefully crafted to meet the aspirations of…

03/07/24 | General

Best Paper Prize for Hirofumi Takikawa

Hirofumi Takikawa, Research Assistant at the Chair of Economics and Public Finance, was awarded the Best Paper…

Hirofumi Takikawa, Research Assistant at the Chair of Economics and Public Finance, was awarded the Best Paper Prize of the Warsaw…